WINGS: What’s it all about?

Posted on July 12th, 2021
Desk with notepad, coffee, and beautiful flowers

Welcome to WINGS. If this is your first time being here, welcome. If you are returning, thank you for being a part of this amazing community!

I’m Nicolle Lamb and the founder of WINGS. I’m so proud of what we are building and I couldn’t do it without all of you!

In 2019 I took a leap of faith and left a job and community that I loved. Just like any time you leave something, it’s bittersweet. I was excited about the new challenges ahead of me but sad to be leaving this chapter behind. It had truly been an amazing chapter. In 2014 I had taken a leap of faith and left a company I had been at for 12 years to begin a new adventure at a startup. I was completely in denial at the time that it was a startup, but it was for sure a startup. LOL! I think I was employee number 20 or so.

I believe in following your gut and your heart and I’ve never regretted that. You have to be willing to put yourself out there and set your sights on new challenges. And sometimes that means leaving something you love for something you know will stretch you and make you grow.

When I left I was asked by 6 women if I would remain their mentor and stay in touch. “OF COURSE I WILL”, was my response. And I decided to bring us all together and form a group. We met twice at the end of 2019 and I was so blessed to continue these relationships. These women were bright, talented, and oh so driven! So we formed WINGS. Women In New Growth Situations.

We kept in touch via a text channel and sent positive and encouraging messages back and forth. And I met with them one on one as well.

On January 14, 2020, I decided to formally put a page on Facebook and start posting what I had been sending to a broader group. Everyone can use encouragement and positivity throughout their day! And WINGS took flight. Within a week there were over 300 people in the group and it was growing. I wanted to carve out a place on Facebook that was positive and uplifting. I also wanted to bring some of the things to light that we are all dealing with and create a safe space to get the support we need. From there, the vision continued to grow. So many of the members jumped right in and started posting their own positive messages. I love seeing it grow and feeling the wonderful engagement from the group.

The week I put WINGS on Facebook was also the week I lost my job. It was a difficult time for me and I wonder how I could have handled it if I didn’t have all of the momentum and positivity that WINGS was spreading from that very first week. It was truly amazing.

And as I have embarked on starting my own company, a month before a global pandemic and becoming an entrepreneur, I can tell you all of the beautiful women in WINGS are truly the wind beneath my WINGS!

Thank you all for being here and helping to create a place where positivity grows and women supporting women is a new normal! In a life of chaos and stressors, let’s lean into each other for support and help to get through it all and build the best life we can!